TWINS: Blockchain health check

This Document explains how to verify you are on the right blockchain and the remedition techniques in case you are not.

1. Check the blockcount from the local wallet perspective:

They must match.

If they don’t match here’s what to do:

- Go to Tools > Peer list and see if you have peers running version v3.2.0.4 or lower. If you do, ban them as follows:

  • Once you’ve done that and to avoid them from coming back, you’ll need to do delete the following .dat files peers.dat, banlist.dat, mnpayments.dat in the %appdata%/twins folder:

  • Then do a full resynch by closing and restarting the wallet.

2. Check the blockcount from the remote wallet perspective:

For those using the nodemaster script:

twins-cli -conf=/etc/masternodes/twins_nX.conf getblockcount

For normal script:

./twins-cli getblockcount

And compare it to what explorer says, if they match your are good. If they don’t you’ll need to to a full resynch of your MN with the TWINS network/blockchain as follows:

A. Delete the blockchain folders called “blocks” and “chainstate”. Located in /var/lib/masternodes/twinsX if you are running the nodemaster script

B. Delete the .dat banlist.dat, mnpayment.dat, peers.dat located in the same folder.

Then do a full a resynch by stopping and starting the twins daemon:

systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable twins_nX systemctl restart twins_nX

If you are not running the nodemaster script, the command to stop and restart the twins daemon should be:

./twins-cli stop twinsd –daemon

PS: Another way to verify you are on the right chain is to run

“getblockhash <any_high_block_number>” from the local wallet in debug console and “twins-cli -conf=/etc/masternodes/twins_nX.conf getblockhash <same_high_block_number>” from the MN.

Then see if they match with what the TWINS explorer says.

Last updated